Itipurú y el monstruo del océano eBook

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Written for beginning language learners with accessible vocabulary, Itipurú y el monstruo del océano is a captivating and beautifully illustrated story of a blue penguin who is stranded after an earthquake and who must reach the colony to survive, but is hunter by a vicious sea monster.
Another comprehensible and compelling story in Easy Spanish from the Venezuelan 5-star author of Juliana, Orión, Mosca, ¡¡Mosca!! and Mosca en leche: Margarita Pérez García.
★★★★★ "Margarita is a master at sheltering vocabulary". ―Lauren, Spanish teacher in the US.
Itipurú y el monstruo del océano combines elements about New Zealand’s nature and endangered animals with elements of Maori mythology. It is a fantasy tale with a universal message about bravery in the face of seemingly impossible challenges, sacrifice for loved ones and faith.
Itipurú is the smallest chick of a blue penguin colony in New Zealand. Itipurú wants to be independent and swim and hunt for food like the older chicks, but he is still moulting and is grounded ashore. If he goes into the sea with baby feathers he will die of cold. When an earthquake shatters the island, all the animals that can swim flee, leaving Itipurú behind. Now he must reach the colony to survive, but will he make it with a vicious sea monster between him and his family?