French Le capybara botté Novel 5-pack

French Le capybara botté Novel 5-pack
French Le capybara botté Novel 5-pack image #1
French Le capybara botté Novel 5-pack image #2
Physical books
French Le capybara botté Novel 5-pack
An entertaining animal story with only 70 new words in French and many English-French cognates.
Sku: 9781947006102
Availability: In Stock
Language: French
Reading Level: French 1

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5-pack pricing only. Cost per book is $8.

Bulk discount: For orders of 25 or more books, the cost per book is $7.20

An entertaining animal story with science and social studies cross-curricular content with only 70 new words in French and many English-French cognates.

Learn about three geographic regions of French Guiana, the Amazon Rainforest, South American animals, the water cycle, and deforestation.

Great for elementary, middle school, and beginning high school classes.

Includes numerous illustrations, supplementary English-French non-fiction readings, complete glossary, and an enticing prologue.

View the Chapter 1 sample in the product images.

Looking For Other Formats?

French Le capybara botté Audiobook
French Le capybara botté eBook