Arlo en la playa eBook

Arlo en la playa eBook
Online eBook for Arlo en la playa.
Online EBook Access Information
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What is Arlo the squirrel going to do? An irresistible acorn is out of reach on the beach. But the ocean makes him nervous.
Language Learner Literature
A Spanish reader for beginning learners with just 31 new vocabulary words and English-Spanish cognates. The text includes 42 illustrations and only 489 total words.
Full-screen digital book, click to turn the pages, no audio tracks.
Accessible online only, not downloadable
1 group login, no student emails
1-year access (365 days) upon purchase
Each teacher registration provides access to one teacher and up to 300 of that teacher’s students. Accounts that violate this usage will be suspended or disabled, without refunds.